How to Renew PEC License? PEC Firm Renewal 2024 – 2025
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) is a government body with the power of issuing Engineering registrations in Pakistan. PEC license Renewal is required after the expiry of PEC license. So, How to renewal Pakistan Engineering Council Membership is the question? PEC has 3 Registration departments
1. Engineers registration
2. Contractor Registration / Operator Registration
3. Engineer Consulting Registration
PEC issue registration certificates for 01 fiscal year. After the PEC registration license gets expired, the firm or engineer has to apply renewal with PEC. Moreover, How to renew PEC license 2025 or how to renew construction company license is important.
Therefore, PEC firm renewal is an easy process for engineers but the difficult process to renew contractor/operator license. PEC firm renewal 2020 is delayed due to COVID-19, the renewal will start once corona lockdown gets open.
1. Engineers Registration & Renewal with PEC
Persons having 4 years of engineering qualification from PEC recognized institute are eligible to get PEC registration as Engineer. There are 2 titles for Engineers in which Engineers get registered i-e Registered Engineer (RE) & Professional Engineer (PE). A fresh graduate gets PEC registration as Registered Engineer also called RE Engineer. Engineers registered with Pakistan Engineering Council PEC are also known as PEC members
A fresh RE engineer gets 5 PCP (Professional Credit Points) points with new PEC registration. PEC registered Engineer gets eligible to apply for any post in BPS-17 with government, semi-government or private organizations.
How to register with PEC as Registered Engineer (RE)?
After completing all the credit requirements of the degree, an engineer can apply for PEC registration. Now, PEC registration as an engineer can be applied online through PEC online registration portal. Step by step procedure is as under
- Visit and click online account

2. Portal will ask, do you have PEC number or not? If you already have PEC registration number, you have to log in your account. If you don’t have PEC number yet, you have to create a new account

3. Fill all the information required by the portal – Information required by portal PEC has to be filled very accurately.
4. Upload passport size picture with blue or white background. Image size should not be larger than 512KB
5. upload signatures on a white page, also upload all the qualification degrees scanned copies. Because, the recommended file format is JPG.
6. Pay fee of Rs 2000 through bank challan in HBL or MCB. For PEC fee details, click here
PEC Renewal Bank Challan Form
7. Sample PEC bank challan form is shown below. PEC deposit slips are available in HBL, Civic Center Branch (Branch code 0602), Islamabad. However, same PEC fee slip is applicable for constructors, Engineers and Consultants/Operator fee slip. Firms or Engineers can deposit Payment of annual renewal through this PEC Challan form.
PEC Registration challan form is shown in the picture below.

For PEC Bank Account & PEC challan form details, please click here
How to register with PEC as Professional Engineer (RE)?
Pakistan engineering council (PEC) gives Professional Engineer title to engineers who qualifies EPE exam. To become a professional engineer (PE), a registered engineer has to pass the EPE (Engineering Practicing Exam). PEC Engineers department conducts EPE exams each year, for details keep visiting PEC website.
Eligibility for EPE Exam
A registered engineer is eligible to apply for EPE exam only if
- He has spent more than 5 years in the market after getting PEC Registration
- Registered engineer has at least 17 CPD points after the initial registration with PEC. Online PCP points calculator is available to calculate exact points. To calculate CPD points online, click here
- Engineer must earn 17 CPD points in total. But, out of 17, 10 points must be Job points. Remaining 7 CPD points from Higher qualification or CPD workshops organized by PEC.
How to check CPD points PEC or How to check PCP Points online? Just click here to check details

How to renew Registered Engineer (RE) PEC card?
PEC issues registration to Engineers for a period of up to 3 years. When PEC number got expired, an engineer has to apply renewal of expired PEC registration. There are 2 types of Engineers according to fee payment. However, if you have paid Lifetime membership fee, then you have to apply online just for renewal without PEC bank challan. PEC renewal fee for registered engineer is Rs 2000 for the lifetime subscription.
Once you have applied online, you will get renewed PEC card within 2 to 3 weeks. If you have paid yearly subscription, then you have to upload PEC paid challan while applying renewal online.
How to renew Professional Engineer (PE) PEC card?
PEC gives value to Professional Engineers (PE) over registered engineers (RE). Professional engineer PEC card can also be renewed online. PE card may or may not be lifetime.
However, if a professional engineer pay lifetime membership fee, he will not pay any fee next time. He just has to apply renewal after every 3 years to update his records with PEC. In short, Lifetime members engineers will be exempted from the payment of rest of life.
If professional engineer registration card expired and he is not lifetime member. Then, he will also pay and upload PEC bank challan on Engineer online registration portal.
How I will get PEC card after applying online?
While applying PEC renewal, the applicant has to select the domicile or residence province. Before 2017, PEC HQ Islamabad prints all the renewed, upgraded and new registration cards. But, now PEC has divided the PEC registration certificates printing facilities on provincial basis. Following are the details where PEC new or renewal card will be printed.
PEC renewal form for registered engineer – How to Renew PEC License online
Engineers registration and renewals are now online. PEC Renewal form for registered engineers is not required as Engineers can apply for renewal by just PEC portal login,
Does PEC register B.Tech?
No, Pakistan Engineering Council PEC considers BE / BSc / BS Engineering programs accredited with PEC. Bachelor of Technology (B-Tech) are not registered with PEC. B-Tech degree holders are not considered Engineers as per PEC registration Act.
PEC regional office Karachi –
All the engineer applicants applying with Karachi or Sindh address. As a result, the portal pec will automatically move their requests to PEC regional office, Karachi. PEC Karachi will receive the request, after verification PEC Karachi will print PEC card.
PEC discourages the practice of collecting PEC cards by hand. However, Renewed PEC card will be dispatched through courier service to address mentioned in PEC online portal. PEC uses Leopard, TCS and M&P courier services to deliver Constructor and Engineer PEC Cards.
PEC Headquarters Islamabad
All the applicants applying for new registration with PEC or a renewal of the expired card. Engineers online registration portal will automatically send all the requests having Rawalpindi, Islamabad or AJK address to PEC Islamabad. PEC Headquarters Islamabad processes the registration and renewal cases in less time as compared to regional offices.
PEC Regional Office Quetta
Quetta Office will entertain all the applications with the Balochistan province address. Quetta PEC office will print and dispatch card using available courier service. While creating or updating postal addresses on PEC portal must be entered very carefully.
If the address is not correct, your PEC card can be lost. On the other hand, Lost of PEC registration certificate can make you uncomfortable.
PEC Regional Office, Peshawar
PEC regional office Peshawar print & dispatch all the PEC registration cads to engineers to there postal addresses. The postal address must be of KPK otherwise, the relevant PEC office will print the card.
What is the difference between a Registered Engineer and Professional Engineer?
Registered Engineer or RE Engineer is a person having 0 to 5 years of experience. He may be a fresh graduate with valid PEC registration. So, Professional Engineer or PE Engineer is a professional who earns PE title after passing the EPE exam. Professional engineers may have more than 6 to a lifetime experience.
Registered Engineers can earn PEC CPD points by attending PEC workshops. PE engineers have 10 basic PCP points. PE earns 1 PCP each year after serving the profession. Any PE can have a maximum of 30 PCPs.
Documents required for PEC Card Renewal
Engineers can apply online for PEC registration through the Engineers online registration portal. So, following scanned documents are required for PEC registration
- After creating an account on PEC registration portal, you have to fill your personal information
- Scanned copies of Matric / A-Levels, FSc / equivalent duly attested by the controller of boards or attesting officer.
- 2 references from PEC registered Engineers having valid registration with PEC
- Domicile duly attested at the front side
- passport size picture in JPG format with white or blue background
- Clear scanned copy of paid PEC challan deposit slip.
- Back to back copy of CNIC
- But, the correct postal address is the most important thing because PEC registration card will be dispatched through courier service.
PEC Contractors / Operators
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) defines contractors who are skilled individuals, firms or companies. Government contracts are public documents available on PPRA website or in national newspapers. So, PEC registers Constructors in 8 different categories from C6 to CA. But, construction company license renewal in Pakistan is an easy but time taking process.
PEC License Categories
There are total of 8 constructor & operator categories from C6 to CA & O6 to OA respectively. C6/ O6 is the lowest and CA / OA is the highest i-e No limit category. Therefore, constructors can perform engineering works within their project limits according to license category.
PEC Constructor Categories Limits
Before applying for PEC license registration, it is important to know the categories, their limits, their annual fee etc. The table below shows limits of PEC license
[table id=2 /]
For PEC Constructors firm category limits, get more information by clicking here
PEC Operator Categories Limits
Operators registered with Pakistan Engineering Council operate government tolls and parking. Operators can get PEC registration in 1 of the 8 categories. Limits of PEC Operators categories are available in the table below
[table id=3 /]
Who can Apply Online Registration / Renewal of PEC License?
PEC has introduced an online portal for constructor registration in 2018. But, online portal is only operational for C2 and above categories. C6 to C3 categories cannot apply online, they have to apply manually. Likewise, firms in category C2, C1, Cb & CA can apply online very easily by creating an online account on PEC portal.
PEC portal for the firm is online platform to facilitate contractors operators in registered in category C2 or above. Hence, for online registration of PEC firm in category C2 or above, click here. Online PEC contractors registration portal or PEC Renewal portal is as under

PEC Contractor License Registration Fee
Pakistan Engineering Council PEC issues license to constructors, operators and consultants for 1- 3 financial years. Furthermore, PEC registered firm with an expired license will apply for PEC firm license renewal by submitting renewal application. PEC Contractors Registration Fee details are available in our article. You can visit out PEC contractor registration fee and annual renewal fee click here.
How to Renew PEC C6 license? PEC Renewal Procedure
According to PEC registration, C6 is a basic and initial category. For C6 expired license, following are the requirements for C6 PEC renewal for year 2020-21
- Expired original C6 license
- Minimum 1 Engineer from any discipline or from desired discipline. However, attach at least 1 RE engineer having valid PEC registration number. Note, 1 engineer can use his PEC registration only 1 time in a year.
- C6 Renewal fee is Rs 15,000 per year. Original paid PEC Challan of the desired fee is mandoatory.
- PEC constructor/ operator application form duly completed in all aspects. CEO / Directors signatures and company stamp will be required.
- NTN copy required if any change in address or business name.
- Attach the Bank statement and bank account maintenance certificate. However, this certificate must show an active account having a closing balance according to PEC license category.
PEC Renewal form for PEC License Renewal
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) renewal forms are available online on PEC website. Because, there are different sections in Downloads, to download engineer registration and renewal forms, click here. But, After downloading and filling application forms, engineers/firms can apply PEC renewal.
PEC Renewal form for all categories are available to download in the download section. Above all, you can also download PEC Registration Policy 2017 by clicking here.
PEC Registration & Renewal Form
PEC Registration form is available in download section of PEC official website i-e So, for downloading PEC registration form, click here .
PEC company registration renewal / PEC registration renewal
PEC Firm registration renewal / PEC company registration renewal can be applied without any extra surcharge or late fee before 30th Sept, each year. However, PEC starts accepting applications after 5th May each year
Documents requirement for PEC Renewal & Registration 2020
Documents required for Engineer registration renewal & PEC Contractor license renewal are available publically on PEC website. Downloaded application completely filled with the required documents attached. Hence, the following documents are required for the renewal of PEC registration license. Details are as under
- Original expired PEC license
- Bank account statement in the name of the firm for the last financial year.
- Account maintenance certificate in original
- Duly completed PEC application form
- Original paid PEC renewal challan form
- Copies of engineers documents including PEC card, detailed CV, PEC format CV, BSc Engg Degree or transcript and Engineer Biometric receipt
- NTN of the business in case of a change in name or address
- Attach complete set SECP attested copies. Form 29, Memorandum of Association, Article of association and form A are required. These documents are not required if no change in capital or directors.
- List of machinery with the firm
- Organization chart of the firm
- An affidavit from CEO / Director that firm is not in blacklist list of any department
- For sole proprietor firm, Rs 100 affidavit required from the owner that I am CEO & Sole proprietor of the firm. For sole-proprietor firm registration, click here
Benefits of Engineers Registration
Following are benefits of getting PEC registration as Engineer in Pakistan
- If a person has 4 years of engineering degree but don’t have pec registration cant claim himself an engineer.
- A qualified person without PEC registration cannot apply for the post of engineer (BPS 17) in any government/semi-government organization.
- Without PEC registration, he or she cannot get any incentive available for PEC Registered Engineers.
- In Pakistan universities like NUST, UET, GIKI etc requires valid PEC registration card for admission in MS / MSc/ Mphil Engineering
- PEC registered Engineer gets a government card which admits his qualification as an engineer
Benefits of Constructor Registration – Benefits of PEC Registration as Constructor / Operator
There are many benefits of getting registration with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) as PEC contractor or PEC Operator. Moreover, without a valid PEC license executing work is not acceptable. But, it is very difficult to get government contracts or even participate in the tendering bidding process.
- Without having PEC license registration, cannot participate in tendering or bidding
- PEC registration is a must for getting government contracts. But, the license must be in the desired category
- Execution of the project without having valid PEC license in the relevant category make it risky to get payments clear.
- PEC registered firm with no specialized codes does not qualify for tendering or bidding process. To execute works, PEC registration, as well as relevant codes, are mandatory
- Major benefits of having valid PEC registration is that your scope of work gets nationally vast. You can work with any government / semi-government organization
- Certainly, Renew PEC license before participating in any public tender or bidding. For PEC firm registration services, click here.
PEC Duplicate card
If PEC registration card/certificate is missing, then engineers or contractors operators may be in hot water. Engineer or contractor must report PEC about missing card as soon as possible. An engineer can apply duplicate card using Engineers registration portal login / PEC Renewal login.
Contractor operators above C3 / O3 can use contractor registration portal to apply for the duplicate card online. PEC firms in categories C3 or below must apply manually through the counter at PEC facilitation centre.
PEC guidelines for Contractors Operators are available in download section of PEC website.
Selling PEC number
PEC number is the identification of an Engineer having credible respect in society. Selling PEC number is an illegal and unprofessional practice, which must be discouraged. However, Engineers must compel PEC contractors to hire them instead of buying PEC numbers just.
PEC Complaint Management
Pakistan Engineering Council PEC has introduced Online Compliant portal for Engineers & PEC registered Contractors. Therefore, to lodge a complaint against PEC, please click here. For PEC Complaint login, click here or visit PEC Complaint portal. For more details, PEC Complaint management system provides the facility of PEC Complaint status check too.
However, to lodge PEC complaint CNIC number, E-mail and cell number are to be available. PEC HQ Islamabad receives all the complaints from PEC Complaint portal and address accordingly.PEC Offices
Pakistan Engineering Council PEC Headquater is located in Islamabad, the Capital of Pakistan. However, PEC regional offices are located in every provincial capital throughout Pakistan.
PEC Firm Renewal
All the firms registered with PEC must renew their license every year. PEC contractor licenses, PEC Operator licenses & PEC Engineers cards gets expired on 30 June, Each year. For PEC Firm Renewal, firm will pay renewal fee through PEC Firm Renewal challan form.
PEC license renewal fee details are available in the table above. For information on PEC Firm Renewal requirements, click here. Likewise, PEC firm registration renewal form can be downloaded from PEC website. Click here for downloading PEC firm registration challan form. C6 firm renewal without an engineer is not possible. Hiring an Engineer is mandatory for all categories
Application for Renewal of Registration
Renewal of PEC licenses/cards are due every year. Moreover, firms can get renewal up to 3 years by paying fee for a number of years for which renewal is desired. Firms/companies can submit application for renewal manually through PEC facilitation centres up to category C3. Whereas, categories above C3 online renewal can be applied using Portals registration portal. To download PEC application forms, click here
TENCO Engineering & Consulting – Business Registration Services
For professional business registration consultancy, please contact us at TENCO Engineering & Consulting, Islamabad. TENCO deals in business registrations with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) & Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). We also deal in Intellectual Property Organization (IPO), Trademark/copyright, FBR, NTN / GST registrations. Import Export License registration, WeBOC Registration & Chamber of commerce registration services are available too.
TENCO also deals in Electrical works including Diesel Generator (DG) service, maintenance, transportation, installation and sale purchase. For more details, visit us at or WhatsApp us at +923005006839.
Also Read: How to Upgrade PEC license in higher category or PEC License Upgradation?
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