AEDB PPIB Solar Company Registration 2025 – A Complete Guide for Solar Importers & Solar Installers



Private Power & infrastructure Board (PPIB) formerly known as Alternative Energy Development Board commonly known as AEDB is a government organization operating under the Ministry of Energy – Power Division. Moreover, AEDB regulates alternative energy development in Pakistan since 2006. However, AEDB Solar Company Registration or PPIB solar company registration is a technical process that requires an AEDB expert Consultant or PPIB consultant for End to End Solutions.

AEDB has now merged with PPIB (Private Power & Infrastructure Board), now all responsibilities has been shifted to PPIB. Now, getting PPIB Registration is more difficult after this merger.

The Private Power & Infrastructure Board (PPIB) formerly known Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) is established in 2003 by the Federal government. However, AEDB was established with a mission to regulate, operate & enhance the development of alternative energy means in Pakistan. Alternative energy development board AEDB is the only Federal institute that regulates alternative energy means in Pakistan. AEDB Solar company Registration is a hectic but doable procedure, which we will explain in detail here.

AEDB Registration
Net Metering Registration with AEDB – Solar Import License PPIB Registration

Pakistan is blessed with full of Allah’s blessings, one of them being four seasons. We have plenty of sunlight around the year, which is considered best for green energy generation. As a result, millions of MegaWatts can convert our complete electricity generation system to a Green Energy system. Further, the Solar system is a system that converts sunlight (photons) to electricity (DC) energy. There are different types of solar systems

  • Off Grid Solar system
  • ON Grid or Net Metered Solar System
  • Hybrid Solar system

Solar Business Registration with PPIB or Solar Business registration with AEDB for Net Metering is a complicated and lengthy process. But, it is quite possible if one can fulfil these pre-requisite requirements

  • Valid PEC Registration
  • proper documentation as per NEPRA 2015 SRO
  • Proper documentation as per AEDB guidelines
  • relevant expertise
  • technical staff
  • Electrical & Mechanical Engineers
  • bank guarantees
  • Required Pay orders
  • Provincial tax registration(s) etc

What is Net Metering and How Does it Work?

Net Metering also referred to as an On-Grid system is a term used in energy generation. Therefore, an Electricity generation system connected with the Grid/ Network is called an on-grid system.

Net metering is a process in which an Electricity meter can record incoming and outgoing energy to the grid or from the grid.

Why AEDB PPIB registration is required?

Solar vendor registration with AEDB is mandatory for the installation of solar or wind energy systems.

An individual firm or company practicing solar system installations can go only for minor projects at the domestic or commercial level. Today is a good time for on-grid systems instead of just installing off-grid systems. As a result, without AEDB certification any company is not eligible to install Net metering in any capacity.

A company intends to provide Solar or Wind Energy systems-related services in the Private or public sectors, then AEDB registration is required. AEDB registration is mandatory for On-grid or net-metering solar systems installations. Any individual or company cannot install an on-grid system (sale to WAPDA) unless posses AEDB valid registration.

Benefits of AEDB Registration

Surely, there are many benefits of AEDB registration as

  • Smooth Business Development
  • Eligibility for Bank Leasing
  • Less competition
  • Clients trust
  • can enjoy a good reputation in the market
  • gets eligible for mega projects
  • Fulfils requirement for Government projects
  • great probability to get projects in JV
  • Open ways to international-level mega projects

Moreover, AEDB PPIB will issue Registration for 3 years from now

As per AEDB’s new registration policy for the years 2021- 2025, AEDB or PPIB will issue certifications for 3 years instead of 01-year registration.

Also, there are a few merits & demerits of getting 3 years of registration as under

Pro: Solar companies can execute projects for the next 3 years without getting into the process of renewal every year

Con: Company has to pay an advance fee for the next 3 years, which is a huge overhead

Requirements for AEDB Solar Company Registration

There are different requirements for PPIB solar company registration but few of them are mandatory as

  • Valid PEC Registration in relevant category
  • Also, PEC license must have Electrical & Mechanical codes
  • Age of the company must be more than 3 years for C2 and 5 years or more for C1 AEDB registration

For more details visit us at BusinessGuru

AEDB Registration – Budget required

Hence, while applying in any category, the following budget must be allocated (for 01 provinces only)

CategoryLimitCost (Pkr) -non-refundable
C3 (03 years)upto 250kw755,000-
C2 (03 years)upto 500kw1,225,000-
C1 (03 years)No limit1,650,000-
AEDB Solar Company Registration Fee

Remember, the above table shows complete registration cost for a business to get registered with AEDB.

However, Two assumptions are made, PEC registration is already done & bank guarantee for Rs 500k for next 04 years will be provided by the client. (BG & PEC registrations are not included in above mentioned prices)

AEDB Registration Time?

Therefore, Registration procedures are dependent purely on the completion of the file. If all documents are duly complete & attested then it may take  4 – 5 weeks if forwarded with some expert services provider. However, time may vary depending on different factors

Scope of Solar business in Pakistan

As Pakistan is a developing country, there is huge space for alternative energy means eg solar & wind systems. Also, the scope and market trend has changed, off-grid solar (Solar plates & backup batteries) are getting obsolete. Therefore, large clients/industries are looking for on-grid solar systems which are considered more reliable & cost-effective.

AEDB office address?

AEDB’s (Alternative Energies Development Board) head office is located in red zone of Islamabad. Moreover, it is the red zone of Islamabad, no other branch or regional office office exist in Pakistan

List of AEDB Vendors in different cities?

As per AEDB stats December 2021, the following are registered vendors

S.NoCityTotal vendors in C-1Vendors in C-2Vendors in C-3
1. Islamabad2126
2. Rawalpindi056
AEDB Approved Vendors in Pakistan (Dec 2021)

What is Net-Metering?

Net-metering is a process that allows incoming & outgoing generated power. In 2018, WAPDA allowed net-metering for domestic & commercial generation of electricity from green sources. Moreover, one can sell & purchase electricity from/ to WAPDA as per the consumption requirement.

Net metering is a process that allows energy generation sources to get attached to the grid

AEDB net metering Vendor Registration

AEDB Registration is mandatory for any business operating in Pakistan if they are dealing in Solar panels, Inverters, Batteries, Solar system installations, Solar commercial imports, Government tendering & desire to work with different solar schemes announced by government, NGOs, USAID, or world bank in any capacity.

Get AEDB Registration in your desired category

AEDB Registration in 1 month
AEDB Registration in 1 month

However, if you are looking for AEDB Registration, then you have landed on the correct platform. AEDB Registration can boost your solar business from small projects to mega projects at a rapid pace. Therefore, AEDB Registration make

  • Solar company authorised for Net Metering throughout Pakistan
  • Eligible for Government / semi-government projects
  • eligible for Bank Leasing for solar projects
  • Registration as a bank vendor for Bank Leasing facility for your clients

Is PEC Registration required for AEDB Registration?

Pakistan Engineering Council PEC Registration is one of many other pre-requisite mandatory requirements before applying for AEDB registration in any category. PEC requirement is different for different AEDB Categories. For example, if a business is registered with PEC in category C6 then can’t get PPIB C2 or C1 category

  • upto 250Kw PEC C6 is required
  • upto 500Kw PEC minimum C5 is required
  • above 500kw PEC minimum C3 category is required

Can we get AEDB Registration for 1 year? or PPIB registration for 2 years?

No, as per the new AEDB policy, only 03 years AEDB certification is issued. AEDB Certificate or PPIB certificate will be valid for next 03 years from the date of issuance.

Is Bank Guarantee Required for AEDB Registration?

Yes, bank guarantee issued by any bank in Pakistan is mandatory for a period of 4 years.

AEDB category can be upgraded or not?

AEDB category upgradation is not entertained by AEDB. Each time some upgrdation, renewal or down gradation of AEDB license is required, then one has to apply from scratch.

AEDB Bank Guarantee is Refundable?

Because, Bank Guarantee submitted to AEDB is refundable after 01 month of the expiry of the license. Refund is conditional if there is no complaint or claim on the certified installer.

Is SECP Registration Mandatory for AEDB Registration?

No, SECP registration is not mandatory as far as AEDB registration is concerned. However, if some new start up is looking for registration in highest category, then SECP registration is mandatory as per PEC registration policy.

Which PEC codes are required for AEDB Registration?

To register with the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) in Pakistan, the following PEC specialization codes are required:

  • Power/Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering (Thermal/Renewable)
  • Chemical Engineering (Thermal/Renewable)
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Thermal/Renewable)
  • Civil Engineering (Thermal/Renewable)
  • Environmental Engineering (Thermal/Renewable)
  • Computer Engineering (Thermal/Renewable)
  • Mechatronics Engineering (Thermal/Renewable)
  • Electrical Power Engineering (Thermal/Renewable)
  • Materials Engineering (Thermal/Renewable)

Business Age required for AEDB Registration?

To register with the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) in Pakistan, there is no specific age requirement for a business to be registered. Businesses of any age can register with AEDB, as long as they meet the other requirements and qualifications set by the board. These may include having relevant technical expertise and experience in the renewable energy sector, having a valid business registration certificate, and having the necessary financial resources to undertake the project. It is always best to check with AEDB for the most up-to-date information and requirements for registration.

Direct Registration in AEDB No Limit category possible?

Yes, direct registration with AEDB is possible in No Limit category but after fulfilling pre-requisite requirements. We can

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19 responses to “AEDB PPIB Solar Company Registration 2025 – A Complete Guide for Solar Importers & Solar Installers”
  1. Ahmad Enterprises Avatar
    Ahmad Enterprises

    Intends to get registered with AEDB

    1. admin Avatar

      Dear Ahmad Sb, thanks for your query with us regarding AEDB Registration. We will contact you through your e-mail shortly.

      TENCO (Pvt.) Ltd
      +92 300 500 6839

  2. Muhammad Bilal Avatar

    I am looking for C5 category prices for AEDB. Kindly help me in this regard. Thank you.

    1. admin Avatar

      Dear Muhammad Bilal, thanks for your query to us. It would be better if you share your contact details or call us at +923005006839.

      Team TENCO™

  3. Muhammad irfan Avatar
    Muhammad irfan

    New registration for AEDB please help how can I do?

    1. admin Avatar

      Dear Irfan,
      Thanks for sharing your query with us. We specialize in AEDB registration matters, feel free to contact us at 03005006839

      Kind Regards,
      TENCO Engineering & Consulting



  5. Nadeem Ahmad Avatar
    Nadeem Ahmad

    I am looking for C5 category prices for AEDB. Kindly help me in this regard. Thank you.

  6. Imran Avatar

    We need help to get register with AEDB, Is there is any one can help with this?

  7. Shabbir Ahmad Avatar
    Shabbir Ahmad

    Is there any registration requirement for importing solar equipment (Panels and inverters etc) for domestic or commercial purpose ?

    1. admin Avatar

      Dear Shabbir Shmad sb, as per State Bank of Pakistan policy PPIB registration is mandatory for solar imports as well – We came to know from different commercial banks asking PPIB registration fro opening LC.


      1. Saddam hussain Avatar
        Saddam hussain

        AOA dear sir.
        I want to registered my company with AEDB.what is the procedure and requirements. I m also registered with PEC C3 category with relevant requirement.

    2. Yasir Avatar

      Please contact

  8. HAIDER ALI Avatar


  9. Ghulam Rasool --CEO Prime Solar Energy Solutions Avatar
    Ghulam Rasool –CEO Prime Solar Energy Solutions

    Dear Sir…I am managing my Solar Energy Solutions business with the name of ” Prime Solar Energy Solutions”.As a Sole proprietor..Sole owner….I have PEC licienc, NTN, 02 Bank Statements…

    Please guide me about the entire process to get registered my firm ASAp with lowest category.

    Need your support and guidance ASAP.

    Best Regards, Ghulam Rasool, CEO, Prime Solar Energy Solutions, MPS Road, Opposite Royal Orchard Market, Multan.

  10. Ameer Ahmed Avatar
    Ameer Ahmed

    Salam,sir I want to register in AEDB having pec C3 category .

    1. admin Avatar

      Dear Ameer Ahmed sb, please reach out through 0300-5006839 or 051-8899222 or

      Kind Regards,

  11. Faizan Avatar

    I am looking for C2 category AEDB registration will you please give me the list of required docoments

    1. admin Avatar

      Dear Faizan sb, thank you reaching us. For more details you can contact us through 0300-5006839 or 051-8899222

      Kind Regards,