PEC Verification



Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) is a statutory organization that reports to the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST). Its head office is in Islamabad. In brief, PEC Firm Registration is obtained by all companies performing engineering-related work. For this purpose, the PEC online verification system has been launched. Furthermore, through this online verification portal, you can verify firms, engineers, operators, and constructors.

Thus, the online verification portal has now become very handy with this online system. Furthermore, it allows one to verify his or her company’s data. PEC registration and renewal have also become very easy with this online portal. Under online portal, following are four categories:

  • Engineer Verification
  • Contractors Verification
  • PEC firm verification
  • Operators Verification
  • Consultant Verification
PEC verification online portal helps to verify engineers, contractors, operators data.
PEC verification online portal

There are following three major departments working under the Pakistan Engineering Council:

Engineers Deptartment

Contractors Department/ Operator Department

Consulting Engineer Department

Engineer Verification

This online portal can also help you find a PEC-registered engineer. In conclusion, follow the steps one by one mentioned below.

  • Select the category
  • Enter four-digit PEC number
  • Enter Captcha
  • Click “Verify Engineer”

The Engineer Department of the Pakistan Engineering Council deals with the verification and registration of engineer’s data. Engineer verification is the first category under PEC verification. Engineers with a valid PEC number can check or verify their information via portal. For further information, you can click here

Engineer Disciplines

In the Engineer Verification tab, there are the following disciplines of Engineers according to their specific field of study:

  • Civil Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Electronics Engineer
  • Metallurgy Engineer
  • Agricultural Engineer
  • Aeronautical Engineer
  • Mining Engineer
  • Petrogas Engineer
  • Telecommunication Engineer
  • Mechatronics Engineer
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Nuclear Engineer
  • Textile Engineer
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Arch Engg
  • Computer
  • Transport
  • Geology
  • Poly
  • Environment
  • Urban
  • Automotive
  • Geoinformatics
  • Energy
  • Avionics

Civil Engineer is a discipline in the PEC engineer verification tab. When you click on the Engineer Verification tab, a list of the above-mentioned disciplines will be shown. Click on the Civil Engineer category first, and then enter your PEC card number. Then enter Captcha and click verify engineer. As a result, you’ll have access to your particular engineer’s information.

Electrical Engineer is also another discipline in the engineer verification option. Options will appear, like entering your PEC number and selecting the category “Electrical Engineers”. At last, enter the captcha code and click the verify engineer option. For instance, an image is shown below for engineer verification.

Engineer verification is the first category under PEC verification.
PEC Engineer Verification

PEC registered Mechanical Engineer can also verify their data via the verification portal. Select your desired discipline first, i.e., mechanical engineer. After that, enter your valid PEC number, and then enter the captcha to process further. Click on verify engineer, and as a result, you will get your desired information.

For PEC Chemical Engineer verification, select option “chemical.”. Then enter your four-digit PEC number and add the captcha code. After that, click Verify Engineer.

Electronics Engineer Verification

PEC Contractors Verification

PEC Verification also allows users to verify contractors data. On the whole, It is an easy, one-click procedure for verification. All you have to do is select the category, add the license number, and then enter the captcha. As a result, your data will be easily verified. Under contractors verification, there are further two categories, which are as follows:

  • National Contractors Verification
  • Foreign Contractors Verification

For constructors verification on portal, following 4 steps must be followed:

  1. Select category
  2. Secondly, enter your license number
  3. Enter captcha code
  4. Press Verify Firm.

Contractor PEC Verification

The portal contains a total of eight categories for Pakistani contractors verification. For more details, click here.

Following are the categories in which national contractors can get their licenses:

  • C1
  • C2
  • C3
  • C4
  • C5
  • C6
  • CA
  • CB

Category C1

  • C1 Project Limit: Rs 2500 Mn or 25 crore
  • Engineers Required: Minimum 90 PCPs
  • Balance required: Rs 80 Mn

At first, for PEC C1 category verification, go to the Constructor tab, “CO Verification.” Secondly, Choose category C1 and then enter the license number. After that, enter the captcha, and press Verify Firm.

PEC verification portal contains a total of eight categories for contractors.
Constructors Verification

Category C2

  • C2 Project Limit: Rs 1000 Mn or 100 crore
  • Engineers Required: Minimum 4 engineers or 35 PCPs
  • Balance required: Rs 50 Mn

For PEC C2, go to the Constructors tab, “CO Verification,” which is shown below, for instance. Choose category C2, enter the license number, then enter the captcha, and press Verify Firm.

Category C3

  • C3 limit: Rs 500 Mn or 50 crore
  • Engineers Required: Minimum 4 engineers or 20 PCPs
  • Balance required: Rs 30 Mn

In fact, PEC verification for the C3 category is the same as the others. If you follow the following 4 steps, you will get all your data verified within seconds.

  1. Select category C3
  2. Enter your license number
  3. Enter captcha code
  4. Press Verify Firm

Category C4

  • C4 limit: Rs 200 Mn or 20 crore
  • Engineers Required: Minimum 3 engineers or 15 PCPs are required
  • Balance required: Rs 6 Mn or 60 Lac

Basically, PEC online verification portal follow the same procedure for the C4 category as like others. If you follow the following 4 steps, you will get data verification within seconds.

  1. Select category C4
  2. Secondly, Enter your license number
  3. Enter captcha code
  4. Press Verify Firm

Category C5

  • C5 limit: Rs 65 Mn or 6.5 crore
  • Engineers Required: Minimum 1 enigneer required (5PCPs)
  • Balance required: Rs 3 Mn

In like manner, for PEC C5 category, go to the Constructor tab, “CO Verification.” Choose category C5, then enter the license number. After that, enter the captcha, and press Verify Firm.

Category C6

C6 is the initial and lowest category for PEC registration.

  • C6 Category Limit: Rs 25 Mn or 2.5 crore
  • Engineers Required: Minimum 1 engineer required (3PCPs)

For PEC C6 category verification, go to the tab “CO Verification.” Choose category C6, enter the license number, then enter the captcha, and press Verify Firm.

Foreign Contractors Verification

PEC Verification System also offers data authentication options to foreign contractors. Foreign contractors fall into the following categories:

  1. F-C1
  2. F-CA
  3. F-CB

PEC Operator Verification

Operator Verification has following 2 sub-categories: one for foreign operators and the other for national operators.

PEC has a total 3 three operator categories for foreigners, which are the following:

  1. F-O1
  2. F-OA
  3. F-OB
PEC Operator Verification

There total of 8 categories for national operators. Verification of these operator categories can also be done via their online system. Following are the categories:

  • O1
  • O2
  • O3
  • O4
  • O5
  • O6
  • OA
  • OB

PEC Consultant Verification

Consultant Firm Verification

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