PEC Contractors Registration Fee Details
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) is an Engineering regulatory authority operating under the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST). There are basically 2 registration departments. 1. Engineers Registration 2. Contractor registration. But, without knowing PEC Contractors Registration fee details. Contractors cannot apply for renewal, registration or upgradation. PEC registration & renewal fee is discussed in detail with examples in this article.
PEC issues registration to Engineers for up to 3 years. All Engineers must apply renewal with PEC to get a renewed card. To know, How to apply engineer registration or renewal with PEC? Click here
Contractors can get registration or renewal for 1, 2 or 3 years. PEC follows the financial year as the registration cycle. PEC contractor licenses expire on 30th June, Each Year. The contractor pays the annual fee before applying renewal with PEC. In this article, we will discuss PEC Contractors Registration fee structure in detail. However, we will try to discuss all possible cases to calculate the construction company PEC Renewal fee, PEC Registration fee, PEC upgradation fee. After engineers registration fee, PEC registration fee for contractors is available in detail.
PEC Fee (New registration / Renewal)
The table below shows the fee details of the Pakistan Engineering Council. As we know, C6 is the initial category and CA is the highest category for any contractor in Pakistan.
PEC Contractors Registration fee details
The table below shows the Annual fees for contractor/ operators with license project limits.
[table id=1 /]
PEC C6 Registration Fees
According to table C6 category has an annual limit of rupees 25 Million or 2.5 crores. An applicant applying for new PEC registration in C6 category will pay rupees 15000. An applicant applying for C6 renewal will also pay 15000 bank challan each year.
Category C5 Construction company Fee
C5 is higher category as compared to the C6 C5 project limit is 65 Million or 6.5 crore. Fee for C5 category is rupees 30000 to be submitted each year. If a firm is applying for 2 years renewal then they will pay 30000 x 2 = 60,000. And for 3 years renewal, 30000 x 3 = 90,000 fee has to be submitted. Just as an example, if c5 form licence got expired 3 years back, then FIR will pay
30000 x 2 = 60,000 for 2 years + 5% late fee surcharge (3000) and 30000 fees for third year. So, the example firm will pay Rs 93000 fee via bank challan.
Category C4 PEC Contractors Registration fee
C4 is the third higher category starting from the initial category that is C6. C4 category license has project limit of 200 Million or 20 crores. PEC 34 license is considered a large government contractor license, to execute big projects having a limit up to 200 million.
P e c annual fee for C4 category is rupees 45000. Form applying as new registration or playing one-year renewal will pay 45000
C3 License Fee
C3 is a big category with a project limit of 500 Million. Annual C3 license registration or renewal fee is Rs 75,000. For C3 new registration, SECP registration as Private Limited Company is mandatory.
C2 License Fee
PEC C2 License represents a big government contractor firm. Getting registered in C2 category is a difficult task which either requires much experience. Or requires very strong financial worth of the company. However, annual registration or renewal fee of C2 license is Rs 1,25,000. Firms with C2 license can get up to 3 years renewal by paying 3 times of annual fee.
As shown in the table, the project limit for C2 license is 1000 Million or Rs 100 crores. According to PEC stats, there are 1052 firms having C2 license valid till June, 2020.
C1 License Fee
Firms having C1 license are known as big firms for executing government projects upto 2500 Million or 250 crores. The annual renewal fee for C1 registration is Rs 1,50,000 per year. According to PEC records, there are only 389 C1 firms having valid PEC licenses across Pakistan.
C-B License Fee
Te 2nd biggest category for Contractors or Operators is C-B. CB firms are big tycoons in the Engineering industry. CB license holder firm can execute or participate in a project having a cost of 4000 Million or 400 crores. But, there are only 114 CB firms having a valid license in Pakistan till June, 2020
CA License / No Limit license Fee
CA or No Limit license shows the biggest category of any Government contractor or operator registered with the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). Above all, firms with CA license are also called No-Limit firms. The annual fee for CA renewal or registration is Rs 4,00,000. But, there are only 231 No-Limit firms in Pakistan having valid license till June, 2020. In short, firms having CA or No Limit license can execute projects of any limit throughout Pakistan. Moreover, few firms having CA license are Frontier Works Organization (FWO), Bahria Town, National Logistics Cell (NLC). Maakson Engineering Corporation Ltd, Zahir Khan & Brothers (ZKB), Habib Rafiq Pvt Ltd also enjoy CA category
PEC Fee Calculator
PEC Company Registration Fee can be checked online calculator available. Moreover, online PEC fee calculator can calculate new registration fee, renewal fee and upgradation fee for any category. To access online PEC fee calculator, click here. In addition, this calculator will calculate PEC registration renewal fee with ease.
PEC Fee Submission
PEC new registration, renewal or upgradation fee can be submitted in Habib Bank Limited (HBL). However, Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB) also accepts PEC fee. You can get PEC Fee Challan form from HBL or MCB Melody branch, Islamabad. After filling PEC challan form, deposit required fee in designated branches of HBL & MCB.
PEC Fee Deposit Account Numbers
PEC registered firms and engineers can deposit PEC registration fee following account numbers of HBL & MCB Banks
HBL PEC Account Number
Account title: Pakistan Engineering Council
PEC Account Number: 00427901578603
Branch Code: 0602
PEC MCB Account Number
Acc title: Pak Engg Council (P.E.C)
Account number: 0685583041005497
TBD Customer Code: PAKEC
Bank charges on PEC Fee submission
Because, there are bank charges on PEC fee submission. HBL & MCB charge different charges given as under
HBL Bank Charges: HBL bank charge a fix amount of Rs 35 on each transaction for PEC fee submission.
MCB Bank charges: MCB charges are form Rs 0 to Rs 175 on each fee submission. However, details are as under
a. PEC fee Re 1 to Rs 1000 : No charges
b. Amount of PEC fee from Rs 1001 to Rs 2000: Rs 75
c. Charges on PEC fee from Rs 2001 & above: Rs 175
PEC Fee deposit slips
Habib Bank Limited HBL and Muslim Commercial Bank MCB PEC Fee challan forms are shown below as sample
HBL PEC Challan form / PEC Fee Voucher
If PEC fee is deposited in HBL, it will charge Rs 35 fee as bank fee

MCB – PEC Fee Challan
Sample PEC Fee Voucher is as under. However, MCB Bank charges Rs 175 fee as bank charges which is more than HBL bank fee

In conclusion, PEC Firm registration fee can be deposit in MCB or HBL bank by filling PEC challan form as shown above. This article covers PEC Fee Structure 2020 for contractors and engineers
Application for Renewal of Registration
Application of renewal of registration with PEC can be given at any stage of the year. PEC license validity follows Fiscal year so, to apply for renewal of license before 30th September each year to avoid any late fee surcharge.
However, PEC license renewal can be applied after 5th May each year. After 30th September each year, there is a late fee surcharge of 5%.
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