Solar Company Registration with PEC in Pakistan

Solar Company Registration with PEC in Pakistan

Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) is the engineering regulatory authority in Pakistan. PEC register engineers and contract/ constructors in different categories. Solar Company Registration with PEC is increasing due to green energy demand. PEC registered firm is eligible to qualify in public tenders being advertised through public notice by different organisations. These organisation may be government or semi-government organisations. There are major three domains in which constructors are registered with PEC. However, Civil engineering, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. There are sub-domains with respect to major domains.

Solar Energy company registration
Solar Energy company registration

Need for Power & Energy firm Registration with PEC

As we know Pakistan is a developing country. Developing countries are called developing because infrastructure, utilisation of resources and living standard of people is low. In developing countries like Pakistan, there is always a need for development in almost every domain of life. Pakistan is facing energy deficit since last decade which shows the huge opportunities in the energy sector. Thatswhy, different international power project (IPP) companies have invested to overcome load shedding issue in Pakistan. There is a need for green energies development in the country.

Solar Company Registration Process

When we say a company registration, security exchange commission of Pakistan(SECP) comes in mind. PEC is just a Council which allow companies, firms, sole proprietors, Association of Partnership (AoP) & form-C to execute engineering work in the country. Moreover, for details on SECP company registration, click here.
If a firm or company want to get PEC registration with solar installation course, the firm will apply for new registration with Pakistan Engineering Council. Likewise, PEC new firm can be registered in any category out of 8 starting from C6 to CA. For complete details on How to get PEC Contractor License in Pakistan? read this too.

If a firm wants to register in Category C6, it can easily get registered because C6 is an initial category. What are requirements for PEC C6 firm registration, what is PEC C6 fee, What is C6 category limit please visit our blog section or just click here. Also read PEC C6 Firm Registration Requirements in Pakistan 2020

Solar firm PEC License Limits & Categories

In our blog section, we have discussed PEC categories and project cost limits for all PEC categories. For detailed discussion, please read What are PEC license Limits in Pakistan?

How to renew PEC Solar firm License

How to Register & Renew PEC License?

Solar firm PEC registration renewal fee in Pakistan

PEC Contractors Registration Fee

How to upgrade Solar company license with PEC

PEC Firm Upgradation – Step by Step Guide

List of Solar companies in Pakistan

List of failed Solar companies

Solar system installation services in Islamabad

List of Solar companies registered with PEC & AEDB


Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) Registration

If some company or firm wants to work on Solar systems in Pakistan, they must possess AEDB registration. There are 3 categories while registration with AEDB.

  1. V3 category
  2. V2 category
  3. V3 category


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5 responses to “Solar Company Registration with PEC in Pakistan”
  1. Ahmad Raza Shah Avatar
    Ahmad Raza Shah

    Kindly contact, I have to register a solar company

  2. SHER ALI Avatar


    1. admin Avatar

      Dear Sher Ali,

  3. Zaigham Ali Avatar
    Zaigham Ali

    Assalam u Alaykum i want to register solar company can anyone assist me ?

    1. admin Avatar

      Dear Zaigham Ali sb, please contact us at 051-8899222 or 0300-5006839 or for more details. We will be happy to serve you

      Kind Reagrds,